Your backyard garden isn’t complete without a few gorgeous hedges! Whether you use them as a boarder, or a backdrop, hedges are a really great landscaping for beginners idea. You’ll love these backyard gardening ideas.
If you are looking to create shaped shrubs worthy of a spot on the Overlook Hotel’s grounds, grow Boxwood! It’s easy to trim, and is often used to line mazes and pathways. However, you will probably need a hedge clipper or two…
Japanese Barberry
Be warned! The gorgeously colored Japanese Barberry is considered to be super invasive in many grow environments. However, if you can keep it managed, expect to see stunning hues of oranges and reds in the fall! Grow this shrub in zones 3-9!
If you live in California, or other areas in the south (these THRIVE in New Mexico!) Oleander plants will often grow easily without much maintenance on your part. Blooms come in pink, white, or peach. This plant is considered posionous though, don’t eat it!
Glossy Abelia
This plant is a stunner, sometimes growing more than 6 feet tall! Leave it tall, or trim it short, Glossy Abelia is the perfect backyard garden addition.
Who doesn’t love a Hydrangea shrub or two? They look gorgeous in a flower garden, or just around your yard! Learn how to prune your Hydrangea shrubs here.
Keep Lilac soil around a 7.0 on the P.H. scale. Plant in early spring for the best growth! Lilacs need at least 6 hours of sunlight everyday, but can grow to be Bushes are typically 15-20 feet tall!
Keep pests out of your yard with Flowering Quince and it’s pointed edges! Plants bloom in early spring, and some varieties may even re-bloom again in the fall!
Japanese Euonymus
If you’re after backyard privacy that grows fast, plant a Japanese Euonymus hedge! This hedge changes colors in the fall and often display a stunning shade of gold, cream, or white.
This powerhouse of a backyard shrub can grow as many as 20 feet tall over the course of 20 years. Of course, many landscapers choose to trim their Cypress hedges to better fit the flow of their yard.
I’m already drooling over the way this hedge must look during the holidays. How awesome would it be to have your yard looking this festive with very little effort on your end? A solid wall of green like this one pictured is created when the Holly hedge fully matures.
What can i use as a hedge in southern ohio that the deer won’t eat?