I love a good garden shrub! Especially when they’re beautiful and can fit in a small container! These garden shrubs are easy to care for, and they’ll look great on a front porch! Let’s start container gardening with these gorgeous garden shrubs for pots.

Garden Shrubs For Pots
Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)
A tropical, sun loving bush best grown in warm climate.

A tropical tree that doesn’t exceed 2 feet tall makes it great for growing indoors. For more tips on growing Calamansi, check out this post on Calamansi planting – a step-by-step guide on how to grow it!

Camellia needs rich acidic soil and regular maintenance.

Grow lemons all year round by planting a dwarf variety in a pot and keeping it indoors throughout the winter.

Living somewhere cold is no problem for this beauty. Cotoneaster is great for hedges.

The easiest shrub to grow on this list. Don’t they look just like green grapes?

Cool climates? Schmool climates! This guy will grow anywhere!

Grows best in warm climate, but can survive pretty much anywhere.

Grow your lavender plant in a pot with sufficient drainage (lavender root rot can be a serious problem!) and be sure to keep it in an area of full sun.

Magnolia’s are extremely beautiful and will bring life and color to any garden. However, keep each plant in it’s own pot for maximum flowering and growth.

Crepe Myrtle
The Crepe Myrtle definitely prefers subtropical climates and lots of love, prune it regularly!

Did you know that peonies are frost resistant? They grow best in areas with a cooler summer.

As long you get enough rainfall, you’ll have enough to give these beauties. It loves moist soil!

Grows anywhere and everywhere, even in a box!

An overly extreme winter is no match for a Daphne! The cooler the summer, the better!

I have in pots (on my balcony) also Syringa, climbing rose and blueberry – which grow great in pots – and grapevine that can’t cope (i’m trying differnt varieties, with no results)