Do you love flower gardening? Brighten up your flower garden with these flowers for fall gardening! Fall gardening is easy with beautiful flowers like these.

Perennial Sunflowers. This ‘Lemon Queen’ plant is absolutely gorgeous. It blooms in late summer and lasts through early fall, adding a fantastic flash of yellow to the flower garden.

Asters. The best part about asters is that they come in all sorts of different colors. Pink, white, purple, blue. Plant them in your garden to get a nice colorful flowerbed for fall gardening.

Helenium. Needless to say, this flower is absolutely stunning. The colors are your classic fall pallet, which is exactly what you want. Not only that, but Helenium are also super easy to grow. A win-win!

Russian Sage. Add some cool colors to the reds, oranges, and yellows of fall by adding Russian sage. Not only is the color great, but it also smells wonderful!

Toad Lily. This may sound somewhat ugly, but it’s actually a gorgeous plant. It’s super easy to care for and adds a nice pop of color to any garden.

Colchicum. I love the look of this flower in the garden! It adds a fun shape and also an impressive splash of pink or white to the garden.

Goldenrod. I love the bright color that goldenrod can add when flower gardening. It’s a hardy plant, so it can withstand a bit of cold from the fall, and the yellow and green just go so well with each other. Especially during fall.

Dahlias. These flowers don’t just have a great color, their texture and petals are absolutely stunning. They add both color and dimension to when fall gardening.
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