No one likes wasps and hornets! They put a real damper on anything outdoor related. Keep reading for my DIY wasp repellent tips and tricks. Keep scrolling for my hornet repellent tips as well!

Hornet And Wasp Repellent
Before I begin this, wasps are the evil-looking-alien-like creatures. Bees are the chubby, bumble-like, fuzzy guys that are pretty necessary to many things in our daily lives, but you probably already know this and I’ll get on with it. This is how to get rid of wasps and hornets.
My first tip to you is simply making sure there is nothing outside of your house drawing them in, something like a hummingbird feeder or spoiled foods that have been left outside.

If you’ve cleaned up around the yard, and still haven’t figured out a way to get rid of them, try this next tip! Wasps are very territorial, if they feel at all threatened by another hive, they’ll move on and look for somewhere else to go. So, create yourself another hive. A DIY nest is super easy to make, all you need is a paper grocery bag and some twine. Crumble the bag up and hang it somewhere high for the wasps to see! This is the best wasp repellent and hornet repellent around!
Or, you could try a method I’ve seen used around the neighborhood from time to time, fill a plastic baggie with water and drop a penny in it. Hang it near your front door, or wherever those wasps are lurking. They’ll be deterred by the very existence of the plastic bag! Something about copper, I guess.

My next tip is a simple one, but you’ll want to wait to try this at night. During the day wasps are hard at work and will attack. Attach a hose-end sprayer to your garden hose and fill it with dish soap and water. Stand back! It’ll kill the wasps without harming any nearby plants. Cheap pest control, am I right?
Lastly, if the wasp nest is underground, find the entrance the wasps are using and plug it up with ice (this keeps them at bay while you tackle the next step) Next, cover the entire area in a large plastic tarp, weighing down the corners and covering the tarp in a layer of mulch. Let sit for a day. When it gets hot outside, the tarp will cook them alive and you’ll no longer have a wasp problem.
When it comes to how to get rid of wasps, this hornet repellent will keep those pesky buggers at bay!

Once you get rid of the wasps and hornets in your yard, take a look at these plants that repel mosquitoes.
What is the bottle of peppermint doing in the picture? Does it have an effect on wasps?
Peppermint is a natural bug repellent. I mix it with water and spray it around my doors and windows and it helps the little critters not come in.
That’s true….but the peppermint oil isn’t mentioned in the article at all. Its a misleading picture.
The wasps made a home in my siding, l tried using wasp spray but the just kept coming, l cant see the nest but it must be big, lots of activity right outside my front door….how do l get them out of there, l have tried sealing up the holes but they just go in a diff way….its frustrating :((
Without seeing the nest I’m not sure what the best option would be
This is a response to Sue
I had wasps in my siding so my husband used a large plastic container( like a Rubbermaid shoe box ) he poured about a half inch to an inch of straight bleach in it, he then placed it under the hole where they are entering they do not like the fumes, we have gotten rid of a few nests this way but once the are gone plug the hole
I thought peppermint would be used as well, very misleading. The penny bag in water doesn’t work but the soap and water spray does but it has to be thick soap.
They got into our siding too, scary. We used an expanding foam and sprayed where they seem to go in. A hardware store should carry this product. They won’t go past the foam to go in and hopefully will not go past the product to exit. Do this when it is cooler, end of day so they Don’t go after you. We also purchased this zappers that look like a tennis racket. Get those guys that are flying around, we got one for each of us. Sure we look stupid to neighbour’s but got rid of wasps. That was two years ago. Now I just hang wasp traps in my tree near house, fill with juice and they are too dumb to get out. You will need to pay once a week and wash, yuck, but you will be surprised at how many you will catch. Here they are about five bucks a trap, I use two about 10 feet apart. They like wood, paper, juice, pop and any discarded food on ground. Good luck and stay onto of these pests.
The traps didn’t work for me at all. I had an infestation of yellow jacket wasps in my willow trees last year and learned they are attracted to some sort of pheromone that the tree puts out. After further research, I used a Bayer product for trees and it changed the “smell” the trees put out and this year I rarely saw any wasps! And the trees look so healthy! I also learned that wasps are drawn to certain smells depending on time of year…sweet in Spring while feeding their queen, and rotting food (meat, fruit, etc.) in Fall.
what about wasps that are under a deck? they have found a small hole between the sidewalk & the wood of the deck. I can see them coming & going. spray pesticide didn’t work. HELP!