Spring is in the air and my garden is definitely ready for it. Though we got a few inches of snow over the weekend, I’m confident (hopefully…) that it will melt soon and I can really start working in my garden. Until it melts, I’ll just have to do with making these DIY seed bombs! With a few materials found around the house, you can make this super easy gardening project. Your garden will look absolutely beautiful when these seed bombs bloom, leaving behind tons of beautiful wildflowers. Let’s get started!
Here’s what you’ll need for your own DIY spring seed bombs:
-Potter’s Clay Powder (Gardeners can find this at any local craft or home improvement stores)
-A baking tray
Step One: To start making your DIY seed bombs, combine equal parts flower seed, potter’s clay, and peat-free compost. Combine the ingredients well before moving on to the next part of the project.
Step Two: Now that your seed mixture has been created, slowly mix in a bit of water. Add water until your mixture is thick enough to form into bite-sized balls. Unfortunately, you won’t be eating these, though!
Step Three: Form the balls out of the mixture with your hands and space them evenly apart on a paper-lined baking sheet. Next, place the sheet with your DIY seed bombs on a sunny windowsill for 3-4 hours, or until your creation has fully dried out.
Step Four: If you live in a snowy area like me, you may want to wait to do this step of the project until temperatures have gotten a bit warmer. When the weather permits, take your seed bombs outside and literally “throw” them into a empty flower bed or an empty container. As they hit the ground, the DIY seed balls will split apart, and the wildflower seeds will spread everywhere. Now, all that’s left to do is what for your flowers to sprout up. If planted in early April or May, you can expect blooms by June!
For similar projects, check out these additional articles:
How to Make Seed Paper for Planting
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