I don’t consider myself a stranger to all things succulent care. In fact, I consider myself kind of an expert, if I can say so modestly. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager and it’s safe to say that I have seen my fair share of dead and thriving succulents. There’s a lot to learn about growing those incredibly hardy, yet incredibly finicky plants! Before you lose another succulent plant to root rot, read my easy succulent care guide. Find it below!
Succulent Care Tips
-Grow succulents in zones 3-9, they are hardy in these zones!
-Plant succulents in an area that will receive at least a half day of sunshine. For more vibrant colors, plant them in an area with more sun.
-Make sure your succulents receive some level afternoon shade if you live in a warmer environment. You don’t want them to shrivel in the sun and they can if exposed for a long period of time.
-Plant your succulent plant in well draining soil! If planting your succulent in a container instead of in a garden bed, you should always line the bottom of your container with a layer of gravel. It’s absolutely terrific for drainage. Sometimes, it’s best if you use a cactus potting mix instead of a normal potting soil. It’s all about water retention with succulents!
Succulent Care: Hawthoria
-Grow the Hawthoria, Jade, or Gasteria variety. They’re great for beginners and they provide your garden or terrarium with interesting colors and textures. I’ve had a Hawthoria succulent sitting on my windowsill for the last three years. It’s absolutely massive, even though I forgot that it existed once.
-Overwater your succulents! Really. I know you’ll be tempted because this was always my problem, I insisted they needed to be watered all the time! Because they store water in their stems, overwatering is the fastest way to kill your succulents. Plants only need to be watered once weekly, and a little does go a long way!
-Fertilize your succulent plants too much. Succulent plants only need to be fertilized once a month, if that much. Apply sparingly when you do feed them and then water thoroughly.
-Don’t spray with a spray bottle, regardless of what that one pin on Pinterest said! They hate to be misted. When watering, you’ll want to water the soil directly. This is best for your little succulents.
-Use glass or plastic containers when planting! These often don’t provide soil with enough drainage and it can be difficult for succulent plants to thrive in. I always recommend growing succulents in terracotta pots as they practically wick any extra moisture away!
I am wondering if very large outdoor planters is enough drainage as they are so deep to let water through.
Is it safe to leave succulents in garden in the winter months.
I have a variety of succulent plants in a wooden trough like box with a plastic liner. It is indoors up against a window that get plenty of sunlight. the trough is about 8 inches deep, should there be gravel at the bottom? I have already had 2 completely die and saved two more. I thing it was a moisture issue, but the top of the soil was very dry. I water once a week, but how much should I do??
Plant your succulent plant in well draining soil! If planting your succulent in a container instead of in a garden bed, you should always line the bottom of your container with a layer of gravel. It’s absolutely terrific for drainage. Sometimes, it’s best if you use a cactus potting mix instead of a normal potting soil. It’s all about water retention with succulents.
my succulent kept growing up and the petals underneath started dying. When I got it it was so pretty, short, and wide. Now it’s skinny and tall! What did I do wrong?
Sounds like its not getting enough sunlight. Most varieties require a lot of light especially indoors. Put it in a window with a lot of light or consider purchasing a grow light. You can cut off the top and stick it in soil. Keep the soil damp til the top starts to root.
I actually read if it’s “escaping” the pot it’s because of overwatering.
I just planted my succulents using your potting method. The large thin bowl that they are in (they are dry) needs it first watering. How much and how should I water? Many thanks!