The chilly season is here. That doesn’t mean work in the garden is done. Keep reading for my favorite November gardening tips.
November Gardening Tips
Prepare Your Compost
First thing is first. If you have a compost pile, I recommend that you cover it with some kind of waterproof tarp. This will protect the compost from any harsh weather throughout the winter. Excess water in your compost pile will leech the pile of nutrients, so it’s crucial that you do this before it is too late.

Protect Your Roses
If you haven’t prepared your rose beds for the winter to come, it’s best you do that before the ground starts to freeze. To protect, pile mulch around the crown of the roses and use tie-down climbing rose canes.
Plant Cool-Season Veggies
If you live in an area of the country where the winter weather isn’t too harsh (and I envy you!) you can get cool-season veggies into the ground. If you plant them in November, you should be able to harvest throughout the winter. I recommend planting cool-season veggies like Brussel sprouts, kale, chard, or even other types of lettuce.

Weed The Garden One Last Time
Though you probably weeded your garden back in October, I recommend doing so one more time. Weeds will pop up even throughout the fall months, and weeding the garden one more time will keep your flower beds looking great in Spring. You won’t regret it! This is one of the most crucial November gardening tips.
Prepare For The Holidays
If you are planning on buying a live Christmas tree, dig the hole in the ground to store it now, before the ground freezes. Digging a hole to store the Christmas tree in temporarily will give it somewhere to climatize to the inside of your house. Make sure you dig the hole in a place that is sheltered from the sun, wind, and other harsh weather elements.

Thanks for reading. I hope you stay busy during the colder months. For more plants that love winter, click here.
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