Calamansi, or calamondin, is a citrus fruit that originates from the Philippines. That is why it’s also known as the Philippine lemon and Philippine lime. They look like oranges or lemons. Also, they’re rich in vitamin C, like most citrus fruits. However, the peel is sweet, and the flesh may feel sour and even bitter in some cases. If you like the fruit and its decorative effects, this guide on Calamansi planting will show you how to grow it.

A Step-By-Step Guide on Calamansi Planting
Calamansi planting is a fairly straightforward process. After you follow the steps below, you can have this fruit in your own backyard. However, you should note that this fruit takes anywhere between 3 and 5 years to grow. That said, watering it adequately can speed up the process. After that, you can also then use this fruit for treating a sore throat, insect bites, or remove stains on fabrics. If not that, the plant still provides excellent decorative value.
1. Understand the Growth Requirements for Calamansi
Calamansi originates from South East Asia, a place with a subtropical climate. Thus, you’ll need to replicate a subtropical or warm tropical climate to grow this fruit. Here are some tips for growing them indoors.
2. Prepare the Soil for the Calamansi

You will require soil that drains well and stays dry for Calamansi planting. Waterlogged soil is necessary if you’re growing it in your yard or a container. In addition to that, you should get soil with a pH value range of 5.5 to 6.5. Make sure to place the soil in a spot that has great exposure to the sun and a well-functioning drainage system.
When using a container for Calamansi planting, use one with a depth of at least 24 inches and a width of 18 inches. For growing it outside in your garden, dig a hole that has a depth and width of 16 inches. In addition to that, make sure that you leave about six inches between this hole and other ones in your garden. This way, the plants will have enough room for the roots to grow.
3. Sow the Calamansi Seeds
Remove the seeds from your Calamansi fruit. Use the smaller seeds for sowing instead of the larger ones. Poke holes in the soil with your fingers when growing Calamansi in a container. Make sure to wear your gardening gloves for this process. Next, plant the Calamansi fruit seeds in the holes in the soil.

You’ll need to be a little more accurate and careful when planting seeds outdoors. So, you’ll need to make just one hole. Also, it should be the dimensions mentioned above (16 inches deep and wide). Next, place the seeds and then cover the hole with soil. After that, tamp the soil firmly.
4. Water the Calamansi Plant Properly
You must keep the soil moist at all times for Calamansi planting. Calamansi requires a subtropical climate, which contains high amounts of moisture. Thus, you need to water your Calamansi plant once every week, pouring about 1 inch of water. That said; make sure to water it more often if you notice it’s dry. So, the soil should always feel damp to your hands.
5. Ensure the Calamansi Plant Gets Enough Sunlight

For effective Calamansi planting and growth, you must make sure that it gets 6 or more hours of full sunlight every day. Therefore, you must place it in a part of your house that gets that much sunlight throughout the year. Adequate sunlight and the appropriate temperature can ensure that the tree bears great fruit. Also, you should note that the periods of sunlight should be constant. Make sure that nothing blocks the sunlight for more than a few minutes every day.
6. Fertilize Your Calamansi Plant Well
Effective Calamansi planting requires fertilization once every 4 months while the tree grows. Mix anywhere between 2 and 3.5 ounces of 16-20-0 fertilizer with urea. Continue doing so until the plant reaches 2 years old. After that, increase the fertilizer amount to somewhere between 7 and 10.5 ounces.
In addition to the fertilizer, you should mulch the plant with a 4-inch layer of wood chips, dry leaves, or another type of organic material. Spread the mulch around the tree’s drip line, which is its canopy. Also, make sure that there’s a gap between the trunk of the Calamansi tree and the mulch. A gap of about 1 or 2 inches will suffice, which will deter weeds and conserve moisture.
7. Observe the Calamansi Plant for Pest and Diseases
You must consistently observe the Calamansi plant for diseases and pests. Treat these issues right away for great Calamansi planting and growth.
8. Harvest Calamansi Fruit
When the Calamansi fruit is ready, you can harvest them. You can do that when the fruit is still young (pale green peel) or when it’s ripe (orange peel). Whatever you choose, cut each fruit with a pair of scissors. Also, leave some part of the stem attached to your Calamansi fruit to keep it fresh.

Last Few Words
After this guide, you can approach Calamansi planting the right way. As a result, you’ll have a healthy and fresh-smelling plant.
For another interesting and exotic plant to cultivate, you might give the String of Turtles plant a try!
What’s the best way to grow Calamansi from cuttings? They keep on dying (dying) on me.
This is a common problem. Here’s what I would suggest. Perhaps you have done this but just in case you haven’t I wanted to share.
1.Cut in late spring or summer on a branch that is turning from green to brown.
2. cut horizontally just below a section or set of leaves. Make a second cut about4-5 inches above the set of leaves. Make this cut as 45 degrees
3.pinch off the leaves from the bottom (leave the leaves at the top)
4.Mist your cutting every few minutes to keep it fresh as you are preparing a place to plant it.
5. A tall narrow pot works well. dig a hole 4-8 inches deep and 3 inches in diameter at the top. Make sure your pot has drainage holes
6. This is a tricky part but helps a great deal. Mixing equal parts of potting grit, sand and sawdust in a container. Blend the materials and add enough water until the mixture is damp and fill the pot with this.
7. Next, place the bottom 2-3 inches of your cutting in the pot. Keep misting.
8. Once the cutting is planted, use a bag to cover the plant and secure the bad with an elastic. The Calamansi plant needs a humid environment.
9. Now place this in a area/room that has bright light. The plant does best if kept at almost 80 degrees.
10. You must remove the bag a few times a week to mist the leaves and soil.
11. Once the cutting has produced a new set of leaves, you can remove the bag and then plant outdoors in the spring.
Hope this helps you.
Thank you for the information! I’m looking forward to more of your articles!
You are welcome, Ken. Let me know if I can help you with any gardening tips.