If you’ve ever been to a professional baseball game, chances are you’ve admired the bright green grass of the outfield at some point. For years I wondered how to make the grass in my own backyard look the same kind of bright green! Fortunately, one of my new neighbors spent the first fifteen years of his career working on an MLB grounds crew. Here are his tried and true secrets for a beautiful lawn!

Secrets MLB Grounds Crews Use That You Can Use On Your Lawn
Water The Right Way
As with any kind of plant, watering the right way is key to a green, healthy yard. While some people may be tempted to water their lawns when it gets hot outside, that’s actually the exact opposite of what you want to do. And you never want your grass to sit wet overnight. To avoid both of these problems, MLB groundskeepers will only water from 2 am to 6 am. That way, it’s still cool outside, and your grass isn’t sitting sopping wet all night long.
Keep Care Of Your Mower
A gardener is only good as his or her tools! That being said, if you want your lawn to truly look gorgeous, you have to keep up with the care of your mower. Before spring hits every year, change the oil and clean your blades. And always have a backup set of blades available. If you should ding one with a toy, rock, or something similar, it can cause your grass to fray, and then turn brown. Regularly swap out the blades to prevent this.

Test Your Soil
Test your soil to determine it’s variety and the growing conditions of your plants. Should you have rocky or sandy soil, you may want to adjust your care routine accordingly. You may even find that your grass needs a little extra shade during some parts of the day. See about adding a few trees to your landscaping if this is the case.
Don’t Cut Your Grass Too Short
Cutting your grass can be detrimental. Both to the look and the overall health of your yard. When cutting your grass for the first (or last) time each season, always follow the rule of thirds. Meaning, never cut off more than 1/3rd of your grass at a time. Cutting the grass too short can leave roots exposed and can result in browning grass throughout the season.
Don’t Bother Bagging
If you follow the rule of thirds, you won’t need to bag your grass because the grass will break down and naturally release back into the soil. However, if your clippings are long, it’s best to bag them so they don’t suffocate the grass.

Wow! These are great tips. I knew some, but not all of them. Thanks for sharing these tactics. I’m a landscaper in Colorado, so these tips will help me and my team grow strong lawns for our clients.
Awesome! I hope they help you! 🙂