Do you know what companion planting is? Simply put, it’s the art of putting plants that thrive together right next to one another in the garden. Doing so can help keep certain pests away and it might even help you to get a larger harvest. If companion planting sounds like it might be a good fit for your garden, here’s what you need to know about companion planting herbs.
Companion Planting Herbs Chart
Chives With Cucumbers, Lettuce, or Celery: Due to their strong smell, chives can do wonders in regards to keeping away aphids and the Japanese beetle. It also keeps the cucumber beetle away from your precious cucumber plants. Additionally, chives planted next to carrots will give you a greater harvest AND it will make them taste better. Pretty cool, right?
Rosemary With Broccoli: Plant rosemary herbs with broccoli plants, as their strong scent keeps away the bugs that like to eat broccoli heads. Rosemary with beans, cabbage, and peppers all do pretty well together additionally. However, you should keep rosemary a good distance away from carrots, as it does affect the flavor.
Basil with Beets, Cabbage, Beans, and Bell Peppers: Basil does well paired next to a LOT of garden veggies. In fact, planting Basil directly next to your tomato plants is said to make both plants taste a little better. Additionally, planting Marigolds with Basil is said to help keep both plants pest-free.
Cilantro with Yarrow, Dill, and Basil: This plant (though not one of my favorites) does really well paired with other members of the herb family, except for fennel. Fennel and Cilantro crowd one another out and can compete for growing space. Cilantro also does well near onions, tomatoes, and pepper, so it’s relatively easy to make your own salsa with wares from your garden/.
Garlic with Everything: You can pair garlic with just about anything except asparagus, beans, parsley, and sage. I like to grow garlic around the perimeter of my garden because its pungent smell helps to keep just about any other kind of pest away from the rest of my plants. Pretty cool huh?
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