It’s never too late for a windowsill garden! It’s too late in the season to plant a winter garden outdoors…but it’s never too late to plant one indoors! Utilize the space in your kitchen by planting a windowsill garden. I’ve found that these ten veggies do especially well there!
Loose Leaf Lettuce
Loose Leaf Lettuce is one of the easiest varieties of vegetables to grow on a windowsill. This tasty plant only needs a few hours of sunlight everyday, and should be watered every few days. Expect to harvest three to four months after planting!
Red Cushion, Tiny Tim, Pretty Patio, or Cherry Tomatoes grow well on a sunny windowsill. After the plant begins producing fruit, it should be watered frequently. Fertilize after sowing the seeds! The harvest time will depend on the variety of tomato chosen.
Got a windowsill that is warm and sunny, even in the dead of winter? This is perfect for a pot full of chilles! Place seedlings in a deep pot of 8 to 10 inches to keep up with growing needs as it matures.
I’m a major lover of garlic, and will literally add it as a spice to virtually ANY kind of dish. Too much is never enough! Grow it on your windowsill, for a low maintenance garden crop. Plant garlic by placing a clove–pointed side up–in a pot of well draining soil. You’ll see it sprout in just a few weeks!
Radishes With a sunny window, and moist soil, you too can grow your own pot of radishes! Soil should be well-draining, as this is a root veggie, so line the bottom of your pot with gravel or sand.
Carrots are easy to grow on a windowsill, but they do need plenty of watering! Water carrots once daily, and cut back if the soil seems to be getting waterlogged. Grow It Organically has a full tutorial for anyone interested!
You can grow these almost anywhere in your home, and they will thrive no matter where you put them! After just a week, you can harvest these delicate veggies and add them to your sandwiches or salads.
Green Beans
Beans are easy to grow on a windowsill, but depending on the variety chosen, you will need to support your beans with a string or wire. Make sure your beans are tucked away in a southern-facing window so they have adequate amounts of sunlight.
Spinach plants are relatively easy to grow because they require little light, and frequent watering. Plant it in a pot that is shallow, but wide. A six inch pot is perfect!
Green Onions
These are the easiest plants to grow on a windowsill…because they sprout like weeds, and can be “forgotten” about. Plant them in old water bottles, or mason jars. The best part? You can grow your green onions from food scraps. Check out this tutorial.
Sandra says
I cant wait to try this. It’s not winter, its spring ,but I still want to try some of these things in the window. I’m handicapped and this is perfect. Thank u so much.
Jenny says
Either will work fine but sun will speed up the composting process because the heat makes bacteria work faster 🙂